1/22/2011 - Lone Star GSPC
Prairie Wind Flirt She's A Keeper places 3rd in the Open Derby - 20 Starters. "Keeper" is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Dennis Brath.Prairie Wind's Contender wins Open Gun Dog - 28 Starters - "Con" is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Dennis Brath
1/8/2011 - Sahuaro Brittany Club
FC Prairie Wind's Teton Sage places 2nd int he Amateur Gun Dog - 18 Starters - "Sage" is owned and handled by Don Lee
1/28/2011 - California Brittany Club
Prairie Wind's Speckle Me Blue wins Open Derby - 15 starters. She is owned by Lynn Merrell and Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Leroy MerrellPrairie Wind's Lunatic Fringe, owned by Jeff Singwald and Patty Dutra places second in the Open Derby.
2/5/2011 - GSPC of Santa Clara Valley
Prairie Wind's Lunatic Fringe places 2nd in the Open Derby. "Luna" is owned by Jeff Singewald and Patty Dutra
2/11/2011 - GSPC of San Antonio
Prairie Wind's Twitter Bug places 3rd in Open Derby - 17 Starters - "Twitter" is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Dennis BrathPrairie Wind's Conundrum places 2nd in the Open Limited Gun Dog - 26 starters - "Drum" is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Dennis Brath
2/26/2011 - NGSPA National Field Trial - Booneville, AR
Prairie Wind's Sizzlin Grizzlin (aka Prairie Wind's Von Hulk) named 2011 NGSPA National Runner-Up. "Griz" is owned by Gary Kercher and Keith Richardson and was handled by Dennis Brath
NGSPA Great Plains Championship
Prairie Wind's Comeuppance named 2011 Great Plains OAA Champion. "Penny" is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Dennis BrathPrairie Wind's Twitter Bug wins Derby Classic - 12 starters - "Twitter" is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Dennis BrathUp N'Adam's Prairie Wind Romance places 3rd in Derby Classic - 12 starters "Annie" is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Dennis BrathFC BDK's Break the Bank named 2011 NGSPA Great Plains OSD Champion. "Breaker" is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Dennis BrathPrairie Wind's Eat Mya Dust named 2011 NGSPA Great Plains OSD Runner-Up. "Mya" is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson & trained by Dennis Brath
3/11/2011 - Eastern GSPC
Up N'Adam's Motorin Scooter places 3rd in the Open Gun Dog - 15 starters. Scooter is sired by FC Prairie Wind's Zackly Right and out of Up N'Adam's Eager Beaver. Scooter is owned by Tom and Katie Tazza
3/11/2011 - San Joaquin GSPC
Prairie Wind's Lunatic Fringe wins Open Derby - 14 starters - "Luna" is owned by Jeff Singewald and Patty Dutra
3/18/2011 - Sunflower GSPC
BDK Prairie Wind's Annie Oakley wins both Open Puppy (6 starters) and Amateur Walking Puppy (4 starters) . "Annie" is owned by Robbie Gulledge and Bobbi Richardson
3/25/2011 - Ringneck GSPC
Prairie Wind Rhapsody In Blue wins Open Derby - 21 starters - "Rap" is owned by Keith and Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Dennis BrathPrairie Winds Bettin on the River owned by S & C Slack places 3rd in the Open derbyPrairie Wind's Comeuppance places 2nd in the Open All Age - 16 starters - "Penny" is onwed by Keith & Bobbi Richards and was handled by Dennis Brath
3/5/2011 - Vizsla Club of No. California
Prairie Wind's Lunatic Fringe wins Open Derby - 15 Starters - "Luna" is owned by Jeff Singewald and Patty Dutra
2011 NGSPA Rocky Mountain Championship
BDK's Play Somehting Country named 2011 Rocky Mountain OAA Runner-Up - 14 Starters - "Kix" is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Keith Gulledge
4/01/2011 - Rock River Valley GSPC
Prairie Wind's Bettin On The River, owned by S & C Slack, places 2nd in Open Derby - 9 startersPrairie Wind Bit of Blue, owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson, places 3rd in Open Derby - 9 starters. She was handled by Dennis BrathPrairie Wind von Hulk wins Open All Age - 9 starters. "Griz" is owned by Gary Kercher and Keith Richardson and was handled by Dennis BrathPrairie Wind's Contender places 3rd in Open All Age - 9 starters. Con is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Dennis Brath
4/7/2011 GSPC of Colorado
Up N'Adam's Prairie Wind Romance places 2nd in Open Derby - 12 starters. Annie is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Dennis Brath.Prairie Wind Bit of Blue, owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson, places 3rd in the Open Derby - 12 Starters. She was handled by Dennis Brath.FC AFC BDK's Break The Bank places 2nd in the Amatuer Gun Dog - 20 starters. "Breaker" is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Keith.FC Prairie Wind's Eat Mya Dust, owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson, places 3rd in the Amateur Gun Dog - 20 starters. "Breaker" was handled by Keith.
4/16/2011 - Tartan Gordon Setter Club
CH Up N'Adam's Prairie Wind, sired by FC Prairie Wind's Zackly Right and out of Up N'Adam's Eager Beaver, places 2nd in the Open Limited Gun Dog - 13 Starters. "Keith" is owned by Tom and Katie Tazza
March 13, 2011 - National German Pointing Dog Association Championship
CJ's Anastacia von Rostig wins 2011 NGPDA Natonal Championship - 14 starters. "Stacey" is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Dennis BrathPrairie Wind's Back to Zack wins 2011 NGPDA Derby Classic - 23 starters.?? He is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Dennis Brath
2011 NGSPA Region 4 Championships
CJ's Anastacia von Rostig named 2011 NGSPA Region 4 OAA Champion. "Stacey" is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Dennis Brath.
May 6, 2011 - Lansing GSPC
Prairie Wind's Fast Forward places 2nd in the Open All Age - 16 starters. "Bert" is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Dennis Brath
May 14, 2011 - GSPC of Michigan
Prairie Wind's Twitter Bug wins the Open Derby - 8 starters. "Twitter" is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Dennis BrathPrairie Wind's Bettin On The River places 3rd in the Open Derby - 8 starters. He is owned by C & S Slack.Up N'Adam's Prairie Wind Romance places 4th in the Open Derby - 8 starters. "Annie" is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Dennis Brath.Prairie Wind Fast Foward win Open All Age - 9 starters. "Bert" is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Dennis Brath
May 18, 2011 - Four Lakes GSPC
Prairie Winds Bettin On The River places 4th in the Open Derby - 12 starters. He is owned by S & C Slack.Prairie Wind Fast Forward win Open Gun Dog - 17 starters. She is owned by Keith and Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Dennis Brath.
2011 NGSPA Region 8 Championships
Prairie Wind's Eat Mya Dust named 2011 NGSPA Region 8 Amateur Shooting Dog Champion - 20 starters. "Mya" is owned by Keith and Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Keith.BDK's Break the Bank named 2011 NGSPA Region 8 Amateur Shooting Dog Runner-Up - 20 starters. "Breaker" is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Keith.
September 22, 2011 - Frontier GSPC of Cheyenne
Prairie Wind's Lunatic Fringe wins Open Derby - 8 starters. "Luna" is owned by Jeff Singewald and Patty DutraPW Rainbow Ridges Harvest Moon places 2nd in the Open Derby - 8 starters. She is owned by T & C KercherPrairie Wind Flirt She's A Keeper, owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson, places 3rd in the Open Derby - 8 starters. She was handled by Dennis Brath.Prairie Wind's Eat Mya Dust wins Amateur Gun Dog. - 20 starters. Mya is owned and bred by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Keith.BDK's Break the Bank places second in the Amatuer Gun Dog - 20 starters. "Breaker" is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Keith.
September 29, 2011 - Frontier GSPC of Cheyenne
Prairie Wind's Lunatic Fringe wins Open Derby - 16 starters. "Luna" is owned by Jeff Singewald and Patty DutraPW Rainbow Ridges Harvest Moon places3rd in the Open Derby - 16 starters. She is owned by T & C KercherCJ's Anastacia von Rostig places 2nd in the Amateur All Age - 8 starters. "Stacey" is owned by Keith and Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Keith.Prairie Wind's Fast Forward wins Open Gun Dog - 22 starters. "Bert" is owned by Keith and Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Dennis Brath
2011 NGSPA Hungarian Partridge Championships
CJ's Anastacia von Rostig named 2011 NGSPA Hungarian Partridge Amateur All Age Runner-Up. Stacey is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Keith.
October 6, 2011 - GSPC of Colorado
Prairie Wind Flirt She's A Keeper places 2nd in Open Derby - 19 starters. "Keeper" is owned and bred by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Dennis Brath.FC Prairie Wind's Eat Mya Dust places 4th in the Amateur Gun Dog - 19 starters. "Mya" is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Keith.FC Prairie Wind's Eat Mya Dust places 2nd in the Open Limited Gun Dog - 23 starters. Mya is owned by Keith and Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Dennis Brath.