2015 NGSPA Quail Championship (January 2015)
 FC BDK's Jack Wagon named 2015 NGSPA Quail Open All Age Champion. Jack is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Robbi Gulledge
2015 NGSPA National Championships (February 2015)
FC BDK Prairie Wind's Annie Oakley named 2015 NGSPA Amateur Champion. "Annie" is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Keith.
2015 Ringneck GSPC (March 2015)
FC BKD's Jack Wagon wins the Open All Age for 3 pts. "Jack" is owned by Keith & Bobbi
2015 Heart of America GSPC trial (March 2015)
FC BDK's jack Wagon wins Open All Age at the Heart of America trail. This finishes Jack's AKC Field Championship. Jack is owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Keith Gulledge.
2015 GSPC of Idaho
Prairie Wind's Back to Zack "Biz" wins Open All Age. Handled by Ronnie Sale. 2nd Place - Prairie Wind Lunatic FGringe (litermate) owned by Jeff Singewald. Handled by LeRoy Merrell.
Prairie Wind Conundrum "Drum" wins Open Gun Dog stake (3 point retrieving). Owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and handled by Ronnie Sale.
BDK's PW Jewel's Traden For An Emerald "Emma" wins Open Puppy. Handled by Keith Richardson.Prairie Wind Mya's Contender "Connie" wins Open Derby. Handled by Keith Richardson.
2015 NGSPA Region 9 Championships
FC Prairie Wind Fast Forward "Bert" OAA Runner-Up. Owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and handled by Ronnie Sale.
FC BDK's PW Annie Oakley named ASD Runner-Up. Owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and handled by Keith Richardson.
Prairie Wind Extraordinaire "Airee" places 4th in the OSD. Owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and handled by Ronnie Sale.
Prairie Wind Mya's Contender "Connie" wins Derby Classic. Owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and handled by Keith Richardson.
2015 NGSPA NW Rocky Mountain Chukar Championship
Prairie Wind Conundrum "Drum" places 3rd in the Amateur Shooting Dog. Owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and handled by Keith.
FC Prairie Wind Back To Zack "Biz" wins OAA. Owned by Keith & Bobbi Richardson and handled by Ronnie Sale.Prairie Wind Mya's Contender "Connie" wins Open Derby.
2015 NGSPA Region 8 Championships
Prairie Wind Fast Forward "Bert" named Open All-Age Runner-Up
Prairie Wind Teton Aroma of Sage placed 3rd in the Open Shooting Dog (44 Starters)
2015 NGSPA Hungarian Partridge "Hun" Championships
Prairie Wind Contender named Open All Age Champion.
Prairie Wind's Back To Zack named Open All-Age Runner-Up