2010 NGSPA Rocky Mountain Championship
Prairie Wind's Comeuppance - OAA Champion
Prairie Wind's Queen of Jazz - OSD Champion
Prairie Wind's Just A Flirt - ASD Runner up
Prairie Wind's Zipp N Lock - OD Winner
2010 NGSPA Region 7
Prairie Wind's Contender - 2nd Place - Derby Classic
Prairie Wind's Conundrum - 4th Place - Derby Classic
2010 NGPDA Championships
FC BDK's Break The Bank - ASD Champion
Prairie Wind's Contender - 1st Place Derby
Prairie Wind's Fast Forward - 3rd Place Derby
2010 NGSPA Quail Championship
Prairie Wind's Von Hulk (AKA PW Sizzlin Grizzlin) - OAA Champion
Prairie Wind's Contender - 1st Place Derby Classic
GSPC of Colorado 10/9/2010
Prairie Wind's Queen of Jazz - 4th Place OLGD
Prairie Wind's Eat Mya Dust - 1st Place - OGD
Prairie Wind's Back to Zack - 1st Place - Derby
BDK's Break the Bank - 2nd Place AGD
2010 NGSPA " Hun" Championship (Dual Sanctioned)
Prairie Wind's Zackly Right - OAA Winner
Prairie Wind's Fast Forward - Runner-Up OSD
Prairie Wind's Back to Zack - Winner Derby Classic
Up N'Adam's Prairie Wind Romance - 3rd Place Derby Classic
2010 NGSPA Region 8 Championships (Dual Sanctioned)
Prairie Wind's Comeuppance OAA Winner
Prairie Wind's Zipp N Lock OAA - 3rd place
Prairie Wind's Back to Zack - 3rd place Derby (10 months old)
2010 NSPA Chicken Championship
Prairie Wind's Twitter Bug places 3rd in Derby
2010 NSPA Sharptail Championship
FC BDK's Break the Bank wins ASD. Handler Keith Richardson
Prairie Wind's Twitter Bug places 2nd in Derby
GSPC of Utah Field Trial - April 23-25, 2010
Up N'Adam's Prairie Wind Romance places 2nd in the Open Puppy. There were 14 starters
BDK's Break the Bank wins the Amateur Gun Dog with 16 starters. Breaker was handled by Keith.
Sunflower GSPC / Southern KS Brittany Club
GSPC of Colorado Field Trial
Prairie Wind's Comeuppance wins OAA for a 3 pt major & 2nd place AAA
Prairie Wind's Zipp N Lock wins Open Derby
Prairie Wind's Eat Mya Dust 3rd Place - OLGDBDK's Break The Bank - 1st Place AGDFC
Prairie Wind's Just A Flirt - 2nd Place - ALGD
Gulf Coast GSPC
Prairie Wind's Contender wins Derby with 19 starters and littermate, Prairie Wind's Conundrum places 4th.
2010 Quail Championship